Support March for Palestine at DPU

A Support March for Palestine was organized at Kütahya Dumlupınar University with the participation of our Rector Prof. Dr. Süleyman Kızıltoprak and our students.

A support march for Palestine was held at Kütahya Dumlupınar University.

Making a statement in front of our Faculty of Arts and Sciences, our Rector Prof. Dr. Süleyman Kızıltoprak said:

The conscience of humanity took action again under the leadership of university students. This student movement, which started in America's Columbia University, is the statement they express with their pure conscience about the peaceful life of people on earth. We founded our Republic on these lands. We fought in these lands with the weapons of many different states and the wisdom of our staff and won our freedom. Every nation on earth must determine its own future and destiny. They must live freely in their own land. We respect the efforts people make to live. The Vietnam war was stopped thanks to the actions of students with pure conscience. I hope and expect that thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands mobilized by conscientious students will end these oppressions. Just as one day is born again, freedom will one day come to the Palestinian lands. One day, peace will come to the entire geography of the world where crimes against humanity occur. The Palestinian people want to live, they want to breathe, they want to assert their existence. We want peace in the entire human world.

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DPU Press - 03 May 2024, Friday / read by 415 persons.

Tags : dpü, kütahya, kütahya dumlupınar university,

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