Career Event at DPU

The Career Event, organized by the Innovation and Leadership Community operating under the Department of Health, Culture and Sports of Kütahya Dumlupınar University, was held at the Amphitheater 2 Hall of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.

Kütahya Mayor Prof. Dr. Alim Işık, our university's academic and administrative staff and many students attended the event organized by the Innovation and Leadership Community at the İİBF Amphitheatre 2 Hall.


Community Advisor Prof. Dr. Ercan Taşkın, who made the opening speech of the event, said:


You are all welcome. I am the consultant of this community, which was established in 2011. Unified energy is what brings us together. I believe that you will put into practice what was explained today. I think such events are very important. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to today's event.


Speaking at the event, Kütahya Mayor Prof. Dr. Âlim Işık said: Thank you for your invitation to this event. I would like to thank our community for organizing this event. I also believe that you are doing very good work. If you do not produce, you will definitely be someone's slave and slave. Because productive societies solve problems easily. We need to produce for export. I hope this event will be beneficial and I would like to thank everyone who contributed.




The first speaker of the event, Migros UP Startup Interaction Manager Tarık Saydıran, started by introducing himself and talked about the stages of his career and Migros UP. In the last part of his speech, Sadiran answered the questions from the students. Skoda Business Development Unit Manager İbrahim Boylu gave information about the goals, vision and missions of the brand he represents, and gave advice to young people about professional business life. In addition to sharing his life experiences, Boylu also touched on current issues and gave various information to the audience about career planning.

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DPU Press - 02 January 2024, Tuesday / read by 577 persons.

Tags : dpü, kütahya, kütahya dumlupınar university,

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