Approval From YÖK to DPÜ Boron Based Ceramic Research Center

The application for the establishment of Boron-Based Advanced Technology Ceramics Application and Research Center within Kütahya Dumlupınar University was accepted by the Higher Education Executive Board.

Approval from YÖK to DPÜ Boron Based Ceramic Research Center.

The application for the establishment of Boron-Based Advanced Technology Ceramics Application and Research Center within Kütahya Dumlupınar University was accepted by the Higher Education Executive Board.

The establishment of DPÜ Boron Based Advanced Technology Ceramic Application and Research Center was approved by YÖK.

Boron Based in large part on the territory of the university located in Kütahya within our boron beds in Turkey Advanced Ceramics Implementation and management of our university who studies work for the establishment of the Research Center found provisions in the Higher Education Council. The application made to the Higher Education Executive Board for the establishment of Boron Based Advanced Technology Ceramic Application and Research Center at our University was accepted by the board. The Center to be established will carry out activities such as conversion and characterization of boron-based products into semi-products and / or final products that will provide competitive advantage with alternative synthesis processes at the laboratory scale, and conducting research and studies on alternative usage areas other than the active use of boron-based materials. In addition to this, it will conduct collaboration with regional, national and international organizations on advanced boron technologies, follow-up and execution of the studies, publications (articles, papers, thesis studies) and scientific meetings within the scope of scientific and technical studies.

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DPU Press - 24 June 2020, Wednesday / read by 723 persons.

Tags : dpü tavşanlı yerleşkesi,

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