Kütahya Dumlupınar University lecturers Dr. Lec. Uğur Ceylan from Tavşanlı School of Tourism and Hotel Management and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doğan Aydın from Department of Computer Engineering visited the Singidunum University in Serbia between 03-05 May 2018 for an academic visit to make an agreement under the Erasmus+ K107 International Credit Mobility.

The rector of Singidunum University Dr. Mladen Veinovic, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management Dr. Slobodan Cerovic, Dean of Engineering Faculty Prof. Dr. Milan Milosavljevic, Head of Tourism and Hotel Management Department Assist. Prof. Danijel Pavlovic, Erasmus+ Coordinator Bojana Prodanovic and Rector's Assistant Marija Durdevic attended the meeting.

 At the meeting, firstly, Kütahya Dumlupınar University was introduced and detailed information about the mobility programs such as Erasmus+ and Mevlana was provided. At the end of the meeting, it was decided to sign Memorandum of Understanding between the two universities.

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DPU Press - 30 May 2018, Wednesday / read by 1227 persons.

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