Following the 10 weeks of education and training, people aged 50+ graduated from Dumlupınar Unıversity within KIPAM Project.

Run by Dumlupınar University International Relations Office in the frame of Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships and financed by Polish National Agency,  “KIPAM (Knowledge is Power, Age ain't Matter)” project is to provide more opportunities for people aged 50+ by making them more active and counteracting social and digital exclusion by developing and disseminating know-how on how to commence and conduct non-vocational education at higher education institutions within the framework of the Academic  University of the Third Age.

Following the 10 weeks of education and training, people aged 50+ graduated from Dumlupınar Unıversity within KIPAM Project. Graduates and their families, Dumlupınar University Rector Prof. Dr. Remzi GÖREN, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Kaan ERARSLAN and academics participated in the graduation ceremony. Head of International Relations Office and the project coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oktay ŞAHBAZ stated they are happy for providing 67 graduates aged 50+ who had been getting education in foreign languages, history and  physical education for 10 weeks with the chance and excitement of university education  and witnessing the graduates’ adaptation and integration into social and digital life.

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DPU Press - 18 January 2018, Thursday / read by 1958 persons.

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