ERASMUS+ KA2 Adult Education Strategic Partnership Transnational Project Meetings-KIPAM

The second transnational project meeting of the project named as “Knowledge Is Power, Age Ain’t Matter!”-KIPAM within the scope of Erasmus+ KA2 Adult Education Strategic Partnership was organized in the University of Northampton/UK on 28-29 June, 2016.

The second transnational project meeting of the project named as “Knowledge Is Power, Age Ain’t Matter!”-KIPAM within the scope of Erasmus+ KA2 Adult Education Strategic Partnership was organized in the University of Northampton/UK on 28-29 June, 2016. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oktay Şahbaz, Lec. Bahar Çelik and Exp. Berrin Demir, who are the responsible for conducting the Project, from the International Relations Office on behalf of Dumlupınar University participated in that meeting.

The catalogue of courses for 50+ was presented by the Project Coordinator. The areas of interest of 50+ people based on the survey’s results were identified and assigned to the project partners. The Moodle 50+ platform was introduced to the Project partners by University of Salerno/ITALY.

The third transnational project meeting of the project was organized in the University of Salerno/ITALY between dates of 06-07 October, 2016. There are three main scopes of the meeting which are evaluating the survey results, introducing the manual and Moodle platform and presenting the marketing strategy of the project.  Results of the survey conducted by all partners were evaluated by University of Northampton, UK. The role for creating the content of the manual was given to the Project Coordinator, WSB-Poznan Banking School. The manual was presented chapter by chapter. The allocation of courses to be designed for 50+ people was done. 5 courses will be created online via Moodle 50+ by University of Salerno/ITALY.

According the meeting discussion, Templates of Basic and Advanced Computer Training, Daily Physical Actvities, Swimming, Cultural Travellings and Local History, Religious Education and Ethics, Marbling, Pottery and Ceramics, Basic and Advanced English Language Training, Basic Arabic Language Training will be created by Dumlupınar University.

Also, the Marketing Strategy of the Project including the methodologies to be used in the process was presented by Dumlupınar University. It was discusssed about the web site and logo of the project.

As a conclusion, the educational center for 50+ people will be opened  in the Dumlupinar University and this center will be a crucial oppurtunutiy for 50+ people in terms of social and technological adaptation of them. The next transnational meeting of the Project will be done in the University of Vigo/SPAIN in July, 2017. 

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DPU Press - 11 October 2016, Tuesday / read by 2265 persons.

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