Photography Exhibition and Graduation Projects by Archealogy Department at Dumlupınar University

The Archaeology Department of the Faculty of Arts and Science at Dumlupınar University hosted an exhibition, where the best students presented photographs and bachelor students presented their research outcomes and graduation projects for the first time.

The Archaeology Department of the Faculty of Arts and Science at Dumlupınar University hosted an exhibition, where the best students presented photographs and bachelor students presented their research outcomes and graduation projects for the first time.

The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science Prof. Dr. Anıl İÇA and the Vice-Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orhan Murat KALFA, archaeology scholars and students participated in the exhibition which took place at the Faculty of Arts and Science Lounge.

At the opening speech the head of the Archaeology Department Prof. Dr. Nejat BİLGEN stated that they decided to give the students a chance to present their graduation projects instead of writing their final thesis. This led to very great outcomes.

Prof. Dr. Anıl İÇA stated that successful projects and exhibition should not only be presented at the University but should reach the masses. 

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DPU Press - 07 September 2016, Wednesday / read by 1813 persons.

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