DPU Gets 14 Flags at Accessible Universities Awards

Kütahya Dumlupınar University won the first place with 14 flags in the Accessible Universities Awards, which was organized to raise awareness about the access of disabled individuals in higher education institutions to places, educational opportunities and socio-cultural activities and to spread good practices.

Kütahya Dumlupınar University won first place in the Accessible Universities Awards.

Within the scope of the Higher Education Council's Barrier-Free University Flag awards, units that win awards in the field of Accessibility in Space are awarded an orange flag, units that win awards in the field of Accessibility in Socio-Cultural Activities are awarded a blue flag, and units that win awards in the field of Accessibility in Education are given a green flag.

The 14 flags won by Kütahya Dumlupınar University as a result of the evaluation made by YÖK will take place in the following campuses and buildings: Evliya Çelebi Campus: Blue flag Evliya Çelebi Campus :Orange flag

Bedesten: Orange flag

Disabled Student Unit : Orange flag

Faculty of Arts and Sciences: Orange flag

Hüsnü Özyeğin Dormitory for Girls: Orange flag

Indoor Sports Hall: Orange flag

Guesthouse :Orange flag

Olympic Swimming Pool : Orange flag

Faculty of Engineering : Orange flag

Rectorate building : orange flag

Martyr Ömer Halisdemir Library : Orange flag

Tavşanlı Faculty of Applied Sciences : Orange flag

School of Foreign Languages: ​​Orange flag

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DPU Press - 13 August 2020, Thursday / read by 648 persons.

Tags : dpü tavşanlı yerleşkesi,

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