Next Generation Microscope and Sensor to be Produced in DPU in Early Diagnosis

Kütahya Dumlupınar University Department of Biochemistry will make a major contribution in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, especially cancer. The coordinator of this Project Assoc.Prof.Dr. Fatih Şen and his team has received support within the scope of TÜBİTAK;s program 1001.

Kütahya Dumlupınar University Department of Biochemistry will make a major contribution in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, especially cancer. The coordinator of this Project Assoc.Prof.Dr. Fatih Şen and his team has received support within the scope of TÜBİTAK;s program 1001.
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Fatih Şen;s project titled;New Generation Visible and Near Infrared Zone Microscope and Sensor Design and Selecting Target Molecules as Selective Detection" will facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, especially cancer. The project aims to design a new microscope capable of detecting a single molecule both in the visible region and in the near infrared region, and in particular to develop new generation DNA / polymer / peptide carbon nanotube-based biosensors that work in conjunction with this microscope to identify cancer cells.With the sensor and microscope technology to be developed within the scope of the project, it is expected to develop target molecule probes specific to various diseases and to develop studies on early diagnosis and treatment. Once the project is implemented, it will also be possible to investigate unexplained problems in molecular or signaling pathways in research on the basis of diseases.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatih Şen stated that the article related to the project was published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology, whose preliminary studies had an impact factor of 33.407. Nikon said that they were soon following the work on this new generation of non-commercial microscope design and they were pleased with the project. Company officials also informed us that they expect the project to be completed successfully and commercialized as soon as possible. Şen expressed his gratitude to our university and the rector and said, "I would like to thank all the university management and employees, especially the Rector of Kütahya Dumlupınar University for their support and the opportunity to work. I would like to thank the Research Group (SRG) working members separately.

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DPU Press - 13 November 2019, Wednesday / read by 848 persons.

Tags : dpü tavşanlı yerleşkesi, Musa Işın,

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