As it always has been Dumlupinar University comes first

Firat Aydemir, postgraduate and research assistant in electrical and electronic engineering department of Engineering Faculty, comes first with the project named “The System of Smart Drive

Firat Aydemir, postgraduate and research assistant in electrical and electronic engineering department of Engineering Faculty, comes first with the project named ‘The System of Smart Drive with microcontroller based for Streetlights with Light Emitting Diod’ in the 5th Light Emitting Diod Competition held by Marmara Promotion and Fair Organisation.

The winner of the competition Research Assistant Firat Aydemir stated that ‘Developments in the technology of Light Emitting Diot and investments in this field with the expanding area of usage are increasing day by day. We have always wanted to make contribution to the evolution of this technology. The Led Smart Drive system we developed is far more intelligent than the currently used and sold commercially. We are also sure that this new technology will develop a point of view in modern science. As a conclusion we managed to realize a system which can be easily and profitably developed and altered.’

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DPU Press - 19 November 2014, Wednesday / read by 1695 persons.

Tags : dokuz eylül üniversitesi, eskişehir osmangazi üniversitesi, bursa büyükşehir belediyesi,

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